
There is a long tradition of FOSS enthusiasts to blather on the software and tech they use. I don't know if it matters to most, I doubt it does, actually. But, why let that stop me?


I have a self assembled desktop AMD Ryzen system which is my main work horse. I've equipped it with a new AMD Radeon RX GPU, and thus it can serve double duty for games.

My laptop is a refurbished Thinkpad T480s, I selected it specifically so it would be compatible for a number of FLOSS operating systems, in case I got wanderlust.


In terms of operating systems, I tend to prefer Linux, though I often check in on FreeBSD and Haiku. I was a very committed BeOS user once, and have great nostalgia for it.

In terms of desktop environments, I use KDE Plasma. I typically try and stick to operating systems with long and stable release cycles. I find Mageia serves my needs well.

Vivaldi has become my browser of choice in recent years. While chromium based and not FLOSS it is employee owned and takes user privacy quite seriously.

I was once a very committed free software absolutist. I am no longer. I prefer free and open source software, and any code I write will be under a libre license; but I no longer punish myself by abstaining from proprietary software.


Linux is my preferred platform for gaming, I have a Steam Deck which compliments my desktop computer for this. I do not dual boot for PC gaming. I have been a big advocate for gaming on linux with Wine for quite a number of years, and now quite enjoy the fact that Valve has made this mainstream with Proton.

For anything else, I have a Nintendo Switch.


For Mobile I use the Fairphone 4. It runs /e/OS a privacy respecting and FLOSS Android fork.


I use Murena for email and make liberal use of it's Nextcloud instance for document sharing and various cloud services. It is powered by green energy, ontop of its other virtues.

For search, I find myself using Startpage these days. As they respect privacy, return good results; and haven't fallen for the machine learning hype train.

For messaging, I recommend Signal or Delta Chat. I also maintain a presence on Discord but do not recommend it.

Mastodon is my current preferred social media.

Newsblur is an excellent cloud based RSS reader I take advantage of.

This blog is powered by Writefreely and it, and my git repos are hosted on a Debian VPS.